NEWS & EVENTS | November 2, 2020
A Better Understanding of the Impact of Migration Through Those Who Have Experienced It

Professor Yves Frenette, co-author of a new work on population migrations.
Yves Frenette, Professor of History at USB and holder of the Tier I Canada Research Chair on Migrations, Transfers and Francophone Communities, co-authored the work Dans leurs propres mots : la mobilité dans les écrits personnels et les correspondances, XVIIe-XXe siècles [In Their Own Words: Mobility in personal writings and correspondence, 17th to 20th centuries], which was published in May 2020.
“This book explores how historical actors, i.e. individuals, at various points in history, felt their mobility in Europe and in North America," explains Yves Frenette. “We looked at their personal writings, such as their private journals, autobiographies and correspondence. We wanted to see how the concepts of mobility and migration were experienced by the people themselves.”
Dans leurs propres mots : la mobilité dans les écrits personnels et les correspondances, XVIIe-XXe siècles explores the various facets, motivations and experiences of mobility by allowing the actors of this very mobility to speak for themselves, in order to gain a better understanding of the impact that mobility had on people’s identity.
This collaborative project, which includes contributions from twenty-three authors, was created following a colloquium on mobility that took place at USB in August 2015. A launch had been planned for spring 2020, but the event was rescheduled for the fall and subsequently cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic crisis in Manitoba.