Advanced Level French

Do you have a strong command of the French language, but are looking to perfect your language skills?

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If you are planning to study at Université de Saint-Boniface (USB) in a university or college program, the Perfectionnement du français certificate program allows you to qualify for credits that can be applied toward equivalent university- or college-level French courses offered at USB.

To receive these credits, you must provide the certificate confirming that you have completed the program’s five courses and have passed the final exam.

Fall, Winter and Spring: One 3-hour class per week, in the evening. Most courses run for 11 weeks (some are 10 weeks long with 3.25 hours per class). 

Courses are 32.5 to 33 hours in total. 

Conversation circles are 10 weeks long, with classes once a week for 2 hours for a total of 20 hours. 


September 17 to November 26, 2024

Distance Learning Options


Registration opens: August 22, 2024

Registration closes: September 10, 2024


January 14 to March 26, 2025

Distance Learning Options

Registration opens: November 30, 2024

Registration closes: January 7, 2025


April 15 to June 25, 2025

Distance Learning Options

Registration opens: March 7, 2025

Registration closes: April 7, 2025

Click below to see the schedules:

Cost of courses: $330 (student handbook and taxes included)  

Aide-mémoire grammatical [grammar booklet]: $34 (mandatory one-time purchase)

Cercle de conversation: $206 (taxes included)

Final Evaluation for Advanced Level French: $347

The certificate program offers five courses that help to develop various personal and professional language skills. The courses are designed to allow for flexible progression, but it is recommended that new learners start by taking one of the two courses in the Grammar and Communication section.

Grammar and Communication

Au travail!

This course is an introduction to the Certificat de perfectionnement. It will help you strengthen your skills in and knowledge of French while learning the principles of the new grammar. The workplace theme reinforces the vocabulary and skills necessary in professional life.

Vers un monde meilleur

This course is an introduction to the Certificat de perfectionnement. It will help you strengthen your skills in and knowledge of French while learning the principles of the new grammar. The course deals with the challenges of everyday life and society.

Oral Communication

À votre avis 

This course focusses on oral communication and is designed to help you become a better speaker. It teaches you how to argue, how to nuance your opinion and strategies for holding a natural conversation. You will develop your spontaneity by acquiring new vocabulary. The activities of this course are designed to generate stimulate opinions on a wide range of everyday topics.

D'un œil critique!

This course focusses on oral communication and is designed to help you become a better speaker. It teaches you how to argue, how to nuance your opinion and strategies for holding a natural conversation. You will develop your spontaneity by acquiring new vocabulary. The activities of this course are designed to generate stimulate critical thinking skills on a wide range of topics.

Written Communication

This course will help you improve your written and oral skills in a professional environment. You will learn to write a letter, putting into practice writing techniques. You will learn to be concise while summarizing and event, both orally and in writing. Access to this course is reserved for students who have already taken a course in the Certificat de perfectionnement.

Additional courses

Perspectives en santé is a course based on two themes: professional contexts and media. Although the course is designed for learners working in healthcare, it will be useful for anyone who would like to apply for a French-language position. This course is delivered in the classroom, but includes an online component that allows learners to develop their knowledge at their own pace.

Cercle de conversation provides learners an opportunity to discuss a variety of topics with other learners who have a similar level of French. In a relaxed setting, an experienced instructor will encourage you to strengthen your conversational skills while you practise speaking with other learners. Typically, learners must have completed another course in the program before taking this course.

Final Exam for the Perfectionnement du français Program

Once you have completed the five courses of the Perfectionnement du français program, you will be eligible to complete the final exam. When you pass the exam, you will receive the Perfectionnement du français certificate. This certificate will allow you to qualify for six credits that can be applied toward equivalent university- or college-level French courses offered at USB.

It is strongly recommended that learners attend preparatory workshops prior to completing the final exam. Three three-hour workshops are offered once per week during the three weeks prior to the final exam. These workshops are offered free of charge to individuals who have registered for the final exam.

The preparatory workshops and final exam are usually offered in fall and in spring.

Anyone who would like to take a course in the Perfectionnement du français program must complete a language evaluation. Once you have completed the registration process, you will see a link to book an appointment for a placement interview. This link will also be included in the confirmation email sent to you once your registration is completed. An instructor will call you at the time you have chosen for the interview.


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Registration Information

Refund Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

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For more information, please contact us:

Continuing Education Division
Université de Saint-Boniface
200 De la Cathédrale Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba CANADA R2H 0H7
Phone: 204-235-4400

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