French-language Placement Test (Le profil linguistique)
Simple! Fast! Efficient!
The profil linguistique placement test is an online grammar exercise that will help direct you to the first-year French course that best suits your needs.
*All first-time applicants to both university and college programs at Université de Saint-Boniface have their French-language level assessed before choosing their courses.
Find out right away the course code for your first-year French course!
*Have you already taken FRAN 1001 in high school, and received a final grade of C or better? You do not need to do Le profil linguistique before registering for courses.
How do I do the profil linguistique exercise?
To access Le profil linguistique, you need to use the key (e.g.: profil2015). The key is included in your letter of acceptance or sent to you by e-mail. If you have forgotten your key, please contact the Language Enrichment Service / Service de perfectionnement linguistique or call 204-233-0211.
We recommend doing Le profil linguistique test by computer or with a tablet device rather than a cell phone.
You must complete Le profil linguistique test in one uninterrupted session at the computer (maximum 45 minutes).
As soon as you have finished the test and submitted it, you will receive a message indicating the course code for the French course that you must take in first year. Course codes depend on the program you have been admitted to.
If you need additional support from the university’s Student Accessibility Service to take the test, please contact Ms. Jocelyne Gagnon, Co-ordinator of
Service d’accessibilité aux études before beginning Le profil linguistique.
For any other questions please contact the SPL.
What is the profil linguistique exercise like?
Here are some sample questions that you might encounter on Le profil linguistique.
Choice of mode
Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate verb.
1. Mamadou et moi, nous persévérons jusqu’à ce que nous __________ .
a. réussissons b. réussirons c. réussissions d. réussiront
Agreement of the past participle
Choose the correct form of the past participle for the verb in parentheses.
2. Les étudiants qui sont (partir) __________ avant la fin du cours ont manqué beaucoup de matière importante.
a. parti b. partis c. parties d. partie