Administration at a Glance

Université de Saint-Boniface is a private corporation located in St. Boniface, Manitoba that is affiliated with the University of Manitoba. The governance principles adopted when it was founded in 1818 are described in the The Université de Saint-Boniface Act and in its Constitution and By-laws (French only).

USB’s administrative team consists of the Board of Governors, the Office of the President, the Senate and the Development Office. A number of committees have also been established for specific purposes.

To find out more about each of the administrative divisions at USB, see the Administration category featured under Our University.

An organization chart also clearly maps out the administrative structure at USB.

Administration Team

Sophie Bouffard, President

Vacant, University Secretary

Richard Fréchette, Vice-President (Administration and Finance) 

Peter Dorrington, Vice-President (Academic and Research) 

Daniel Gagné, Dean of the School of Nursing Sciences and Health Studies

Alexandre Brassard, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science

Bertrand Pauget, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Professional Studies

Aileen Clark, Director of the Continuing Education Division

Athalie Arnal, Director, Talent, Diversity & Culture

Lise Brin, Chief Librarian

Alain Ouimet, Director of Information Technology Services

Mélanie Cwikla, Director of Technical and Professional Programs

Lucile Griffiths, Director of Finance

Christine Mahé-Napastiuk, Registrar

Christian Perron, Director of Student Recruitment and Services

Eric Beauchesne, Director of Infrastructure and Security

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