Bourses d'études postsecondaires en français langue seconde.Bourses d'études postsecondaires en français langue seconde.Bourses d'études postsecondaires en français langue seconde.

To Be Bilingual!

The Bursaries for Postsecondary Studies in French as a Second Language project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada and this program is administered by the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC).

Eligibility criteria for the bursaries are established by the Government of Canada and the ACUFC. Université de Saint-Boniface counts among the postsecondary establishments having been selected to deliver a certain number of these national bursaries. 

Areas of Study

  • University (undergrad program - 2 year minimum)
  • College (minimum 1 year duration)

Number of Bursaries


Bursary Amount


General Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
  • Have English as your first official language spoken.
  • Have completed your high school studies from an English, French Immersion, dual track or non-official language (neither French nor English) institution, and graduated from said institution.
  • Be enrolled in a post-secondary program at the USB during the 2025-2026 school year.
  • Be registered in a minimum of 24 credits taught at USB in an undergrad university program of minimum two years or have an 80% course load in a minimum 1-year college program taught at USB.

Additional Eligibility Criteria

Special attention will be paid to students who meet one of the three following criteria :

  • Experiencing financial hardship and tuition fees that impede access to post-secondary education.
  • Belonging to the first-generation of their family to pursue post-secondary studies.
  • Belonging to an under-represented group or disadvantaged minority.

Please note that a student can only receive this bursary once during their studies at the USB.

Apply Now!

The application must be submitted by March 16th, 2025 at the latest by filling out the online form.

Fill Out Form ⟩

Please Note

  • Because the course load is determined on September 25, course registration for the winter session must be completed before this date.
  • This bursary is delivered in the form of credits towards educational fees in two equal installments (Fall session and Winter session).
  • You must maintain the minimum course load during the entire year. A reduced course load may lead to ineligibility or reduction in bursary value.


Université de Saint-Boniface

200, la Cathédrale • Winnipeg (Manitoba) • R2H 0H7
Tél: 204-237-1818 • Sans frais: 1 888-233-5112

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