Office of Research

Since 1985, the Research Centre has offered its services to projects on the various aspects of francophone life in Manitoba and other provinces and in so doing has contributed to the development of Western Canadian francophone communities. The Centre’s primary aim is to provide concrete assistance in promoting, planning, implementing and disseminating research by faculty members. The Centre coordinates the work of teaching staff and researchers from all academic fields, especially the theoretical and empirical work on minority francophone groups.

Looking forward, the Centre is seeking to create the infrastructure to foster the development of research activities at Université de Saint-Boniface, which will also benefit the entire francophone community.

Contact Research Centre 

Bureau de la recherche
Université de Saint-Boniface
200, avenue de la Cathédrale
Winnipeg (Manitoba)  CANADA  R2H 0H7
Téléphone : 204-237-1818, poste 467
Sans frais au Canada : 1-888-233-5112, poste 467
Télécopieur : 204-235-4485
Envoyez un message au Bureau de la recherche


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