Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click on a question to display or hide each answer.
What are admission fees?
You will need to pay processing fees before Université de Saint-Boniface can start reviewing your application. Please note that these fees are non-refundable and they must be paid in Canadian currency.
Canadian applicants or permanent residents ........ $100
International applicants ......... $120
Do admission fees count as payment toward my tuition fees?
No, these fees strictly cover the processing of your application for admission.
Are admission fees refundable?
No, these fees cover the processing of an applicant’s entire application, whether or not official admission is granted. Payment of these fees does not guarantee official admission.
How can I pay my admission fees?
See the admission fees webpage for a list of
payment methods (French only) accepted by Université de Saint-Boniface. Admission fees can be paid by Mastercard or Visa through the online application.
What are the deadlines for applying for admission?
Please refer to the admission page according to where you are from to see the deadlines for all USB programs:
-Canadian or permanent resident
-International applicant outside of Canada (French only)
-International application currently studying in Canada (French only)
What documents do I need to send USB?
For all programs, USB must receive your official transcript of marks and certificates attesting successful completion. Documents from institutions in North America must be originals. We recommend that documents (except for French or English standardized test results, which must be originals) from institutions outside of North America be certified copies of the original documents if you are unable to receive additional original copies, as they will not be returned to you. These documents must be delivered by mail or in person. Emailed scanned copies of documents will be not accepted. You may be required to provide additional documents according to the admission criteria of each program (standardized language test results, cover letter, professional profile, etc.). Please familiarize yourself with the admission criteria for your chosen program to ensure that you submit all of the required documentation. We recommend that you regularly check the
status of your application page, as it will always reflect the most recent information regarding your application for admission that has been submitted.
Will the documents I submit to USB be returned to me?
No. Any documents received (for example, transcripts of marks, certificates attesting successful completion, diplomas and birth certificates) become the property of Université de Saint-Boniface and will not be returned to you.
I completed an application for admission to USB a few years ago, but I have never registered for courses. Do I need to resubmit all of my documents with my new application for admission?
If you have already submitted an application for admission in the past, but have never registered for courses at USB, your application file, including all documents provided, will be kept on file for two years. After this time, the entire file will be destroyed. If you have studied elsewhere since your last admission to USB, we will require your transcript of marks for these studies and certificates attesting successful completion.
I received an email from USB thanking me for submitting my application for admission. What should I do now?
It is very important to check the
status of your application. A separate email was sent to you with your username and password. The application status page will provide you with the most up-to-date information and will indicate whether USB still requires any documents from you, such as official transcripts of marks or certificates, or if your admission fees have not been paid. Your application will not be processed if there are any items missing from your file. We recommend that you check this page regularly and provide us with the missing items as soon as possible. Once all of the documents have been received, the final decision regarding your admission will be sent to you via email. To ensure that you receive our response, be sure that your email address is entered correctly on the application for admission.
I have just sent the missing items to complete my application for admission, but the status of my application is still showing as incomplete.
If you have just sent us documents to complete your application for admission, please allow for a few days or weeks for them to be delivered and processed. We recommend that you regularly check the
status of your application page for any updates.
Where can I find more information on the criteria for admission?
For more information on the criteria for admission and the specific deadlines for a program, please refer to our
Academic Calendar (French only) et and click on the desired program.
Other Questions
Please consult the
main admission page for more information. If you still do not find the answer to your question, send us an email at